Why subscribe?
This mailing list is for the benefit of art collectors, curators, buyers and generally anyone who’d like to be made aware when I complete a new piece or edition for sale. As following me on social media doesn’t guarantee seeing my posts, a note directly in your inbox is the surest way to find out about new work in a timely manner – indeed, the moment it’s ready and before it’s made public anywhere else.
Subscribers get first dibs, but also access to an exclusive studio price for a limited time, before the work goes public at gallery price.
As my production is slow, this is a low-frequency list. It’s also no frills, with only images of the new piece and the essential info that goes with it. It’s divided into three sections (wall pieces, artist books and treasure boxes) so you can easily deactivate the type of work you’re not interested in.
Thanks for your interest!